The power of passion and perseverance

1. grit  意志力  (noun)

→ courage and determination despite difficulty

2. passion  熱情  (noun)

→ be particularly interested in something or want to do something

3. perseverance  毅力 (noun)

→ continued effort and determination

4. stamina  耐力  (noun)

→ the physical or mental strength to do something for a long time

5. growth mindset  成長型思維模式  (noun)

→ it is the belief that the ability to learn is not fixed, that it can change with your effort

Introduce the talk : 

A person's success depends not on IQ but on grit. Learning is not a sprint, but a marathon.
If people persist in perseverance, don't be afraid of failures and frustrations, remember the lessons of failure, and they will succeed.


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